Empower Your Health Journey: Personalized Nutrition and Wellness Coaching with Justine Friedman

Work With Me
Power hour

In our session together, you’ll share your current struggles & challenges with me, and we’ll discuss desired outcomes & goals for you.

Then we'll break it all down, looking at your lifestyle & your eating habits.

By the end of our hour together, you’ll come away with 2-3 practical suggestions on how to begin to work towards those goals.

Continue to be supported by me via WhatsApp or Email as you implement these steps for 2 weeks after our initial session.

Over 1000 Clients
Photo of Justine Friedman engaged in a power hour session with a client.
4.9 Star Average Rating
Photo of Justine Friedman wearing a black shirt and smiling.

What clients are saying

I know what foods are healthy and generally what to eat. I booked a power session with Justine because despite this I wasn’t seeing results. She listened to all my concerns and gave me some simple things to try making some small changes to what I was already doing. Now 4 weeks later I can really start to see a change and my energy is better.

Justine is a wealth of information, has a very healthy and sustainable methodology, attitude and outlook about food, and the relationship we have to food.

I felt that Justine really got where I was coming from. She listened to my concerns and asked many insightful questions. She gave me really practical suggestions and I was able to apply them right away. I felt so relieved and positive after my appointment

Transform your health today

Helping you to leave dieting and weight struggles behind, understand your body and nourish yourself with confidence

3 Things Every Woman Needs To Know Before Turning 40

3 Things Every Woman Needs To Know Before Turning 40

A FREE mini-course to learn how to give your body the support it needs to balance hormones and manage your weight as a woman in midlife.

- Includes 10 lessons and 1 bonus video

- Learn how hormones affect mood, weight and cravings

- Learn how to avoid weight gain by adjusting how you eat and how you exercise

- Take the 2 minute test and see if you're in perimenopause