Holistic Women's Health Consultant: Focused on Nutrition, Wellness, and Overcoming Eating Disorders

justine friedman
Registered Clinical Dietician and Mindset Mentor
Imagine a life feeling comfortable in your body

Discover a mindful, holistic and scientific approach to food. It’s time to nourish yourself, enjoy food you love and feel energized and at peace in your body.

Over 1000 Clients
"Image of a woman happily eating colorful, healthy food.
Are you In a toxic relationship with FOOD?
Are you feeling bloated and uncomfortable after a meal?
Are you in a cycle of making promises to yourself only to break them?
Are you drowning in information overload and not sure what or who to believe?
Are you looking for support and a caring approach?

Join my supportive community and discover positive strategies and insights to change your life!

Photo of Justine Friedman, smiling and appearing nourished

Justine Friedman

Registered Clinical Dietician and Mindset Mentor

My mission is to help you break up with dieting and battling weight, understand food and your body, and nourish yourself without feeling deprived or restricted

More About Justine
BSc. (WITS)  
BSc. (Med)(Hons) Nutrition and Dietetics UCT
SA qualified and Israeli licensed Clinical Dietician In private practice since 2000
new 4-week online course on perimenopause

Thriving Through Change

Transform Your Health

Start from where you are

Women's health

Hormonal changes throughout life can play havoc with our minds and bodies. Knowledge is power. Navigate Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, Perimenopause, Menopause.

Brain fog
Night sweats
Low mood

Mind-body relationship

When hungry, eat. If only it was that simple. Emotions, trauma, self-esteem and control can all drive disordered eating. Discover a path to healing this challenging relationship through mindset strategies and a soul-focused approach.

Emotional eating
Outpatient Anorexia
Binge eating disorder
Learn More

Chronic diseases of lifestyle

Food can play a huge role in longevity and vitality. Learn how to make choices for a richer quality of life and better health outcomes.

High Blood Pressure
Pre Diabetes
Adrenal fatigue (HPA axis dysfunction)
Metabolic Syndrome
Learn More

IBS, celiac disease, gut dysbiosis, IBD

Digestive disorders create discomfort, pain, and damage to your health. Understand how different foods affect you so that you can eat with confidence and resolve your symptoms.


Autoimmune conditions

Understand your inflammatory responses better and learn what foods minimize flare-ups and symptoms.


Weight challenges

Get off the dieting rollercoaster, manage cravings, triggers and social situations. Enjoy the foods you love and achieve a weight and shape that’s right for you.

Metabolic changes
Eating out

Where we’ll go together

Learn what your unique body needs
Understand the science of food and its impact on your body
Plan ahead
Manage cravings, triggers and social situations more effectively
Pay attention to your inner dialogues and rewrite the story you’re telling yourself about food
Stop self sabotaging
Reduce and manage symptoms; achieve better energy and mood; improve blood values
Naturally reach a weight that is sustainable
4.9 Star Average Rating
Photo of Justine Friedman wearing a black shirt and smiling.

What clients are saying

I used to fight with myself not to eat, now I go to bed feeling nourished. I felt like I was walking a tightrope with food & I was scared to eat anything different. Now I am having a variety of foods and I feel like I can trust myself. It’s such a relief!

I can personally say, Justine is simply amazing. I didn't want another restrictive diet to govern my life. With Justine I was able to learn how to adapt my eating habits and food choices into a healthy lifestyle.

I came to Justine with some hesitation around the entire endeavor of seeing a nutritionist. Justine was sensitive and thoughtful in making recommendations that were feasible in the context of my busy life. She cheered on my victories and patiently supported me at times when my progress stalled. There was never any shaming or judgment, and she encouraged me in the process of setting personal goals. I continue to employ various strategies and insights she gave me and plan to do so for the foreseeable future!


This website is not intended to diagnose or treat any medical condition. The information, including opinions and recommendations, contained on this website is intended for informational purposes only. This information is not intended to be a substitute for the advice of an appropriately qualified and licensed doctor or medical practitioner.

3 Things Every Woman Needs To Know Before Turning 40

3 Things Every Woman Needs To Know Before Turning 40

A FREE mini-course to learn how to give your body the support it needs to balance hormones and manage your weight as a woman in midlife.

- Includes 10 lessons and 1 bonus video

- Learn how hormones affect mood, weight and cravings

- Learn how to avoid weight gain by adjusting how you eat and how you exercise

- Take the 2 minute test and see if you're in perimenopause